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BioData + BioArt

Fungal BioData influences environment

The living mycelium are directly connected to the game engine, reacting/responding to the Human presence. Haptic sensors are triggered by the fungi, creating a form of touch.

Visitors feel the forest.

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Electromagnetic Frequencies + Emotion

Human biometric data influences the VR environment creating a one-of-a-kind experience for each person.

This biometric data involves the wearing of an OpenBCI device to measure brain activity with electroencephalography (EEG), as well as an EmotiBit device to measure heart rate data with a photoplethysmogram (PPG). 

Biometric feedback is designed to respond to occurrences of frequencies in the EEG and PPG data related to the natural electromagnetic frequencies of the Earth’s Schumann resonances. 

These pervasive signals are generated by global lightning strikes (roughly 8, 14, 21, 27, and 34 Hz), and equally immerse fungi and their habitat as much as humans and theirs.

Please click on the image for an A/V example.

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The Holobiont

The term “holobiont” was first introduced in 1991 by Lynn Margulis and initially referred to a simple biological entity involving a host and a multi-species microbiome of bacteria, fungi, and other environmental entanglements. In order to better show human influence within the shared environment our concept is to create a non-binary holobiont form populated with various micro-organisms. These organisms interact with the Virtual forest, as the forest's various microbial and fungal life interact with them. 

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